fundamental policy

fundamental quality policy
(1) Set up a quality assurance system that complies with international standards
(2) Consistently work to improve that quality assurance system
(3) Offer the right products at the right price
(4) Offer quality that builds customer trust and satisfaction
quality policy
(1) Improve customer satisfaction
(2) Comply with quality management systems and continue to improve them
(3) Keep streamlining and reducing costs
(4) Promote effective 5S operations
fundamental enbironmental policy
(1) Set up and implement an Environmental management system that makes continual improvement a key part of our operations
(2) Practice strict compliance with all Environmental laws, ordinances, conventions, and other agreements
(3) Set ambitious Environmental goals and targets and work diligently to achieve them
(4) Use energy and resources efficiently, reduce waste, prevent contamination, and restrict consumption
environmental goals/objectives
(1) Move ahead with improved quality environmental conservation
  • Reduce number of non-conforming products and alternative production output and restrain use of raw materials.
  • Eradicate product complaints and restrain wasteful resource consumption.
(2) Consistently work to improve that quality assurance system
  • Make efficient use of materials and product inventory to prevent the occurrence of junk and waste products.
  • Develop and sell a bracket of products that uses recycled materials, use resources judiciously.
(3) Offer the right products at the right price
  • Work to improve factory operation rates and reduce unnecessary electricity consumption.
  • Work to make shipping and freight operations more efficient and reduce fuel and energy consumption.
(4) Offer quality that builds customer trust and satisfaction
Reduce the amount of industrial waste products by implementing our new source strategies and recycling programs.